Plated boots emitted their usual distinctive clanging as Mesh’la, helmet in hand, made her way towards Mav’s position at the helm. “What in the galaxy is going on out there? From the way this crate just shook I’m betting it’s probably a good thing I wasn’t looking out the viewport just now,” she said, taking a seat beside her compatriot.
Gazing at the space around them, the reason for the recent emergency became immediately clear to the woman. There, breaking the scene of speckled black the same way an unexpected scream might break a long silence, loomed a much larger ship.
The Mandalorian leaned forward slightly then, as if it might help her visualize more clearly. “It doesn’t look damaged to me, rather sort of…dormant. You think anyone’s in there?” There were no visible lights gleaming from the strange vessel, and no hailing signal of any kind coming over the commlines. Maybe the ship was abandoned after all. But that meant that it had to have been done so recently, or else the navicomputer would have accounted for the drifting object’s presence when plotting their course.